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Daily/Daily_3 행동

[영어 공부] 오픽 준비 - 3. 오픽 답변 정리 (자기소개)

by 와우멍 2020. 12. 31.

 안녕하세요 와우멍입니다.

오늘은 지난 글에 이어서, 제 선택지에 대한 예상 답안을 포스팅해보려 합니다.

2020/12/26 - [Daily/Daily_3 행동] - [영어 공부] 오픽 준비 - 1. 오픽 시험의 개요

2020/12/27 - [Daily/Daily_3 행동] - [영어 공부] 오픽 준비 - 2. 과정 세팅

오픽 시험장 팁

 - 오픽은 주제 선정을 통해 어느정도는 원하는 흐름으로 답변을 준비할 수가 있습니다. 그러니 여러 답변에서 두루두루 사용할 수 있는 만능 템플릿을 준비해놓으면 유리하다고 합니다. + 질문 replay를 통해 답변을 준비할 시간을 더 벌기

 기본 패턴 예시

   I'd like to talk about A

   I especially like A because B

   Before A, I make sure to B

  There are several resons why I like to ~~

오픽 만능 표현

 오픽의 힘든 점이자 재미있는 점은 진짜 대화처럼 생각하지 못한 상황들이 발생한다는 것이지요..!!

 준비해간 것과 전혀 다른 질문이 나와서 말문이 막히거나, 아니면 저같은 경우에는 그냥 진짜 경험이 아예 없는 것을 물어보는, 그것도 그걸 꼬리문제로 3문제나 연속으로 던져서 멘붕이 오게되는!! 전혀 감도 안잡히는 상황도 물론 발생하겠지요..!!!

 그럴 때 사용할만한 표현들을 한번 정리해보겠습니다. (다만, 개인적으로 막 던지는 표현이라 생각하니 적당히 걸러들어주세용)

 What else: 또 뭐가 있을까

 Well: 글쎄...

 Oh and: 아 그리고!

 Well, you know what: 그거 알지?

 That question is really unexpected to me, How do I say... : 와 질문은 상상도 못했는데, 뭐라할까...

 Oh, I'm sorry but I don't have the experiences that you want to hear. If you okay, let me talk about my interests, especially about ~~~. : 와 난 너가 듣기 원하는 경험이 없어 미안해. 너만 괜찮다면 내 관심사에 대해 이야기해도 될까? 

고득점을 위한 Fancy한 표현

 - There are several reasons for my preference

 - Lose sense of time

 - Good for a change of air

 - Good way of bonding with friends

 - Learn the ropes

 - This is mainly because A

 - The thing about A that attracts me is that B



쓸만한 표현

- I’m in my early thirties. / I just turned 30 years old just this year

- These days I’m looking for a job as [a researcher / in the field of researcher]

- I’d like work in this field because I always interested in [military industry] and I’m pretty good at STH.

- When I want to have some fun, ~ / In my free time, ~

- They help me stay fit / They give me time to collect my thoughts / they let me kick back relax


성격에 대해

- As for my personality, I tend to be (a bit introverted/ a bit shy/ outgoing/ goal-oriented)

- I prefer listening to people rather than doing the talking my self

- I have a large circle of friends and love to make new friends.


꿈에 대해

- I’d really like to work for a big accounting firm. Now that my education is finished, I’m looking forward to starting my own career.

- These days, the job market is very competitive and finding a job I want is frustrating and confusing process. That’s why I’m preparing for and talking this test, so that I can give myself more options.


자기소개 예시

Good afternoon. Eva, you are really famous in my world, you know? It is really good to see you. I hope to conversate with you and want to know about you. Anyway, Let me introduce myself first.

I’m ~~~ but I know the pronunciation of Korean name is pretty difficult to whom do not use Korean as mother tongue. So I always recommend my foreign friends to call me ~~~~. I like this nickname since ~~~~ have also positive meaning and that makes me more positive. And one more interesting thing about my name is that the spelling of my family name ~~~ is ~~~. I changed the spelling of the name on my passport last year to have uniqueness within ~~~. As a result, there is only a person who has a family name ~~ on the list of ~~, it’s me. Finding my research result is very easy.

 Yep. Return to introduce, I majored in ~~ as well as ~~ during the undergraduate course and since I always wanted to know about the fundamental of our universe, I also finished the master course last year. Now I’m on the crossroad. One choice is starting Ph.D. course to keep going to my study and the other choice is participating in the job market to get a stable life. Because of that, I’m really stressed out these days. So I beg you to encourage me and please leave me an assessment.

 Ah, there is one more. Unlike my major which is highly related to fundamental science, I really like assembling and repairing something. For more than five years, my hobby and second job have been being repairing moto-cycle. If I have enough time, It would be possible to explain how I have lived without my parent’s help. But hope to do the next opportunity.


작성하다보니 엄청 길어지는 군요 ㅠㅠㅠ 

나머지 선택에 따른 답안에 대해서는 다음글에서 이어서 포스팅하겠습니다.

그럼 오늘도 화이팅합시닷!!
