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Daily/Daily_3 행동

[영어 공부] 오픽 준비 - 6. 조깅, 걷기, 하이킹트래킹 묶음

by 와우멍 2021. 1. 12.

안녕하세요 와우멍입니다.

이전 글까지는, 예전에 모아놨던 자료들을 정리한 것들이었습니다. 오늘부터는 벼락치기에 맞게 여러 카테고리에 걸쳐 답할 수 있는 내용들로 효율적인 답변을 포스팅하려 합니다.

2020/12/26 - [Daily/Daily_3 행동] - [영어 공부] 오픽 준비 - 1. 오픽 시험의 개요

2020/12/27 - [Daily/Daily_3 행동] - [영어 공부] 오픽 준비 - 2. 과정 세팅

2020/12/26 - [Daily/Daily_3 행동] - [영어 공부] 오픽 준비 - 3. 오픽 답변 정리

2020/12/27 - [Daily/Daily_3 행동] - [영어 공부] 오픽 준비 - 4. 질문 유형 별 정리 및 학교 관련 답변 예시

2021/01/03 - [Daily/Daily_3 행동] - [영어 공부] 오픽 준비 - 5. 주거지 및 동네 관련 답변 예시

  - 퇴근 후 4시간: 4일(월) / 6일(수)/ 11일(월) / 13일(수) 

  - 퇴근 후 PT 후 2시간: 8일(금) / 15일(금)

  - 풀타임: 16일(토)

날짜로는 7일, 퇴근 후 짜투리로 6일이니 6일동안 카테고리별 답을 정리해보고

시험 전날인 16일 토요일에 자체 모의고사 한번 쳐보고 가야겠군요.

저는 1월 17일 일요일 정오 시험을 결제해놨습니다. 


이번에는 2번 글에서 다뤘듯이, 저는 벼락치기를 해야 하니 아래와 같이 전략을 구상했습니다.

 1. 일경험 x / 학생 x / 최근 강의는 5년 이상 지남 콤보로 답변을 회피합니다.

 2. 주거공간과 이웃은 준비해야 합니다.

 3. 공원가기/ 조깅/ 걷기/ 하이킹,트래킹을 한번에 퉁칠 수 있는 답변을 준비합니다.

 4. 국내여행/ 해외여행/ 공원가기를 또 아우를 수 있는 답변을 준비합니다.

 5. 영화/공연을 한번에 처리할 수 있는 답변과 영화보기/ 공연보기/ 콘서트가기/ 음악감상의 공간에 대한 답변을 준비합니다.

 6. 콘서트보기/ 음악감상/ 악기연주를 아우르는 음악 혹은 뮤지션에 대한 답변을 준비합니다.

 7. 롤플레이....는 시간 남으면 훑어보지요.. 어차피 준비한다고 되는건 아닐테니까요!


** 잠시!! 말을 더 구어체처럼 만들기 위한 필러 몇가지를 잠시 정리해보죠!!

Well, : 진짜 다갖다붙여도 괜찮.

You know, :있잖아 근데 그냥 아무데다 붙여도 괜찮

So, : 그래서~

Actually, : 실은!

Basically, ~ : 기본적으로~

You see, ~ : 있잖아~ , 구체적인 정보를 제공하거나 상대방이 잘 못따라올 거 같을 때,

I mean: 학회에서 애들이 많이 씀. 내 의견 강조할 때!

You know what I mean: 유남쌩

At the end of the day: 결국!! 결론은!! 마지막에 문장 마무리할때 사용

~ or something. : 뭐 대충 이런거 있잖아~ 하면서 던질때

I suppose/ I guess: 확신 없는 답변할 때 앞에 붙여주자. 살짝 뺄때 사용.

Obviously~: 분명히!!, 내 의견 강력히 주장할때 ! 

~ and so on // and things like that: 뭐 이런거!! 하면서 말 끊을 때 넣자.

~ right?: 살짝 헛소리처럼 던지고 상대방 동의를 이끌어 낼 때 사용!!


공원가기/ 조깅/ 걷기/ 하이킹,트래킹/ (국내여행, 해외여행까지?) 뭉뚱그려서 하나로 준비해보기 위해..

우선 기출 질문들을 가져와봤습니다. 조깅에 대한 질문 가져왔는데, 조깅이란 단어를 그대로 걷기, 하이킹으로 바꿔도 자연스럽지요?


Q1) Where do you often go jogging (walking/ hiking)? Where is it located? What does it look like? Describe your favorite place for jogging (walking/ hiking) in detail.


Well, I really like walking but usually, the destination is not decided. I just walk around. For example, when I come back home from work, or after the promise is broken, and so on, whenever wherever I start to walk if I want or some feeling leads me walking. But the most frequent course should be the road to go cafe on weekend. my favorite cafe is about 3 subway stops away from my home. I'm not sure that would be far or not, I prefer to go there on foot. there are many trees along the street and about 30 minutes can give me some chances to see the sky. so I really like it.


Q2) You indicated in the survey that you like to go jogging (walking/ hiking). Can you tell me about the social, physical, and mental benefits of jogging (walking/ hiking)? What is the advantage of jogging (walking/ hiking)? Tell me in detail.


People usually said that proper exercise makes guys healthy because the increasing of blood pressure activates our body so that the blood circulation is better than before, and finally we get more muscle.

what's more, It doesn't need to pay and doesn't need particular equipment. only the decision is needed to start. so, NO BURDEN is the best benefit I think. 

one more thing, especially to me. walking is done alone. so it can give us time to think about our own problems and worries. concentrating on something is really essential to us, contemporary man! we live in a flood of information, so solely concentrating on our mind or think makes us refresh and jogging can lead it. That's what I want to say, this is the most important advantage of jogging.


Q3) How did you get into jogging initially? What made you continue? Tell me about your motivation to try and continue in as much detail as possible.


Well, that is the time I failed to enter the university I want. At that time, I want to do anything, nothing I can do. so I just did running and walking repeatedly. Making me exhausted through jogging lead me to think anything. I don't know why but that made me relieved. That's the begging of my jogging. 

you know, the experience something gives me relax makes me continue to that action, jogging. Though many times goes on, I still do jogging when I need to relax or organize my thoughts. that's why I answer the survey that jogging is one of my hobbies.



Q4) Tell me about the most interesting place you've ever gone for a jog at. Where was it? Why was this place so interesting? Who did you go with? What was your time there like?


Yeah, you know, recently, I found a place very good to play 'poketmongo'. ah, I mean, the meaning of jogging is the same as playing 'poketmongo', cuz I always turn on this game during jogging. the game is not just a game, it records my jogging track. OMG, I should cut the crap. hahaha. anyway, the place is a park called 'Wolpyeon Park'. I will explaing why this park is a really good place. 

there are a few reasons I recommend. first, it is close to my home. it doesn't need to decide something awesome. just a step outside is required for me to start jogging!! that is most important I think!! "Well begun is half done!!"

and second, one of the hugest market 'E-mart traders' is next to the park. so when I exhausted, just enter the market. and do eye shopping as a rest. sometimes, ah nono frankly usually I buy something that attracts my attention.

last of all, this advantage is very seasonal characteristics. one of the most awesome Korean snack 붕어빵! I can get this in this park. you know, eating this snack will trade-off the effect of the exercise... you know what I'm saying? I hope... it is inevitable.. during winter...

So I recommend you the park '월평' based on all of these reasons. because I always do jogging alone, I hope you join and do my first jogging partner.!


Q5) What clothing do you wear when you go jogging? Can you tell me what clothes you like to wear during different seasons of the year? Please describe in detail.


Basically, Most time when I exercise, I wear just a light dress. but as I mentioned in the previous question, no rules on my jogging clothes. because I go out just after I want to go out. unless I wear a suit. haha. You know what I am saying? haha.  Seriously speaking again, during the in-between seasons, we have to care about the clothes. doing exercise including jogging makes our body hot, we usually take off our clothes or wear clothes lightly from the beginning. but it is a really dangerous action because the large difference in the temperature causes cold! so, never take off your clothes however you feel hot. For the same reason, wear your clothes slightly heavy to keep your condition!


키워드들만 정리하는데도 오래걸리네용..

얼마 안남았으니 좀만 더 화이팅합시닷
